Emotions are profound and essential concepts in Chinese medicine. The imbalance of our emotions is the root of many different conditions and diseases. A list of emotions that can affect various organs if they become out of control:
It can affect the Liver. It makes the liver energy stagnate, go upward towards the head or go out of control to attack the stomach or Spleen
2- Joy
It can affect the Heart. Too much joy scatters or slows down the energy of the Heart. Palpitations, depression, and other symptoms may appear.
3- Sadness
It can affect the Lung and Heart. Prolonged sadness weakens and dissolves the energy of these two organs. Shortness of breath or depression may occur.
4- Worry
It can affect the Spleen and Lung. It can stagnate the energy. Creates shortness of breath and abdominal bloating
5- Pensiveness, overthinking
Can affect the Spleen. Creates diarrhea and digestive problems
6- Fear/Terror
It can affect the Kidney. It can create the body's energy in general, urination problems, lower back or knee pain.
7- Shock/Fright
It can affect the Kidney or Heart. It may cause sleeping problems, palpitations, etc.
Emotions, in general, are parts of our nature. Only when they become out of balance, they cause problems. Creating a balance in our lifestyle, meditation, exercising, clean eating, and acupuncture can help us keep our emotions in control.
Stay healthy,
Hooman Jamshidi
Registered massage therapist, Registered Acupuncturist, Certified personal trainer,
Founder @ Dur1 Health
C: 416.726.4652
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